Music Therapy Articles

Unveiling the Mysteries of Music Therapy.

Nada and the Brain Waves

Ancient traditions in India view sound intonation (nada) as an important principle of existence. Nada is considered as the non-material source of all matter. It is also viewed as the ‘thread like’ link between one’s material and spiritual realms – a key by which one can become free from the worldly bondage. Mantra, which is believed to be sculpted with appropriate intonation, needs to […]

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Ragas and Feelings

Music is a sound organized in an aesthetic sense.  Thanks to the involvement of the mind, we are able to distinguish music from noise, though both of them stem from sound waves. In other words, it is the mind that makes a sound, music. The human mind attributes a sense of meaning to the sound heard. For Hegel, the

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Music Therapy

In recent years, using music as a complementary medicine has gained grounds in countries like the Netherlands, USA, Australia, Japan and also Argentina, Brazil, China, and India.  Indian music, known for its raga, often referred to as ‘Miracle of microtones’’; shows great potential for research, which is quite promising. While music is universally beneficial, as plants

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Music and Moods

Consciously or unconsciously, everybody responds to music. The lilt, rhythm, gait or speed in music has the power to waft away our sorrow, disappointments or depressions. Hegel, the German philosopher, had once observed that music alone is capable of expressing many nuances of emotion, and hence it is more useful than any language invented so

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What Is Music?

‘The Universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper’ – Eden Phillpots. Music is a unique experience for all of us. Unless one’s hearing in impaired, anybody can listen to it and appreciate its beauty. Though, like noise, music also stems from the same source, namely, sound, it stands

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Have Music Stay Healthy

Nature has thrown open a treasure house of rhythms and melodies in and around us, but we seem to be mostly unaware of them due to our preoccupation with the modern-day activities. Our body and mind are blessed with healthy resonance and rhythms, without which we would have long been dead and gone, the disharmony

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Rhythms in life

Music is an intrinsic part of every one of us, irrespective of the fact whether we are singers or listeners. Pulse and rhythmic patterns found in our heart beat, in our breathing, in our thought processes, in our locomotion, in various physiological processes – including digestion, elimination or sleep are the basic indicators of the

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The Healing Ragas

An interactive workshop with music and visuals was held on 29th June, 2002 at the Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi. It was conceived, designed, coordinated and presented by the well-known author and musicologist Dr. T. V. Sairam who was trained under Sangeetha Vidwan Sri S. V. Ramani. The workshop was attended by famous musicians, popular artists

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Nada, The Yoga of Music

 The most ancient and primitive human societies across the world had recognized the power of sound vibrations as they affect the minds and the moods. The great system of Nada Yoga, once popular in India works on the premise that the entire universe around us, and we ourselves, are made of nada, sound vibrations. In

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Therapeutic Music

Yoga and music are the two beautiful things that could have ever happened to mankind. “Without music”, insists Friedrich Nietzsche, ‘life would have been a mistake’. Any sadhaka would agree with me that without them, the human being would have remained yet another animal on this planet! The reason behind this is the human brain

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