Music Therapy Articles

Unveiling the Mysteries of Music Therapy.

Self Music Therapy

In recent years music therapy is emerging as a scientific discipline, dedicated to prudent use of sounds and rhythms for individual health as well as for overall human welfare. Music as we all know is a series of sound vibrations, consisting of compressions and rarefactions. Through a process called synchronization, these vibrations pervade into the […]

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Music For The Mind

Nada Yoga, a branch of Kriya Yoga (the yoga of Technique), works on the premise that we, and the Universe around us, are made up of nada, or sound vibrations. Nada Yoga divides music into two categories: inner music or anahata and outer music or ahata. While outer music is heard through the ear, the

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Aesthetics of Music

Aesthetics refers to the philosophy of the beautiful. “Never take away the love of the beautiful from your heart”; remarked Rousseau, the French Philosopher, “If you do it”, he declared, ” you will lose the very charm in living!” The Indian subcontinent, which has witnessed the flowering of art and music, dance and drama for

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Transformation of the sound

For a physicist, sound refers to those pressure disturbances travelling through a medium by particle interaction. It is also recognised as a series of compressions and rarefaction. While the human audible range is measured somewhere between 20 to 20,000Hz, the human voice lies somewhere between 75 to 1400Hz. The soothing deep voice can be pegged

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Sedative Music

What Makes a Music Sedative? Sedative music, we all know, is that type of music which has a sustained melodic line at a tempo of around 60 beats /minutes (almost at the slow pace of the human heart-rate). Usuallly devoid of ‘analytical’ lyrics, the rhythms here are weak, vague and at times even faltering inducing

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Music Therapy – A Rediscovery

Music is an intrinsic part of every one of us — irrespective of the fact whether we are singers or listeners. In the words of Kabir, “Nada is a music which plays in the body without strings.”  Rhythm is the first organizing structure in the infant’s experience. Modern science acknowledges that pulse and rhythmic patterns

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A Boon for the Mentally-Challenged

Raga is a musical scale, an emotional or creative idea which utilizes sound frequencies (swaras) and rhythms (layas) at their most subtle levels of oscillations in terms of their emotional appeal. The Indian note or swara is distinguishable from its Western counterpart, as its frequencies are not so rigidly fixed and are allowed to oscillate

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Music Aids Meditation

Nada Yoga assures not only harmony and relaxation, but Self-realisation too.  Most ancient human societies across the world had recognised the power of sound vibrations as they affect the mind and the moods. The great system-of Nada Yoga, once popular in India, works on the premise that the entire universe around us and we ourselves

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Music in Attitude Development Exercise

Centuries back Gautam Buddha, recognized the crucial importance of attitude in our life. He propagated the need for developing the right attitude, which alone makes a person’s life noble, lofty and useful. He recommended some ‘rational’ adoption of one’s lifestyle pattern.  In other words, he emphasized for attitudinal adjustments so that one’s existence becomes purposeful and meaningful. Developing certain attitude would also

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Music Therapy for Children

Nada Yoga, the ancient science of sound views that intonations is the source of universal manifestations. Application of sound vibrations to reach higher realms of consciousness is not new to the Indian System of yoga. Today’s modern science too endorses such a view.  The prophylactic and the therapeutic role of music on the mind-body system

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Music – The Best Medicine

While music is well organized for its entertainment value throughout the globe, it was the Indian genius who had discovered Raga Chikitsa, raga cure. A raga is a sequence of selected notes that lands ‘colour’ or emotion. Depending on its nature, a raga can induce or intensify joy or sorrow, anger or peacefulness. Great legends too confirm. The remedial role

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Ragas for the Gym

Evidence suggests that exercise causes positive changes in the nervous system in human beings and these changes may have a direct impact on the cognitive ability. Listening to music too, like exercise, may influence cognitive functions to different pathways in the brain. The combination of exercise and music can, therefore; be an ideal intervention for

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The Nuances of Music

From very ancient times, civilizations all over the world in general and in India, in particular, have recognized the significance of sound in human life.  What is popularly referred to as Nada.  Yoga forms a body of intuitive concepts and esoteric practices exploiting sound, the ‘struck’ or material sound referred to as ahata and the ‘unstruct’ or non-material sound anahata. Recent experiments in

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