Approach to Imagination and Envisioning in Music Therapy

Imagination is a faculty through which people make sense of the world. The things that we touch, taste, smell, see and hear around us coalesce into an “image” via our imagination. Imagination is the ability to form mental images, sounds and feelings, which help in problem-solving and in seeing things from a different perspective that soothes and irons out our mental worries. Many inventions are the results of inspiration of one’s imagination. It is also regarded as the innate ability to invent partial or complete personal realms within the mind from elements derived from sense perceptions of the shared world. As the musical melody progresses, the therapist explains imaginative events, situations, characters which are further elaborated by the patient. Several symphonies in the Western classical system, particularly those of Beethoven, Bach, Haydn, Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky etc. could be utilized by the therapists for activating the imagination of the patient vis a vis the melody played, which not only induces satisfaction in the patient but also greatly helps in overcoming his problems such as depression, trauma and other psychological ailments.

Using music and imagery has been found to be effective by many therapists and researchers. It is a process of music-centered psychotherapy in which music experiences (such as emotional upheavals, calmness, com-passion, devotion etc.) are used to bring about the required therapeutic changes in clients/patients. It is this author’s experience that when angry forms of music are used for the violent children, it helps them overcome the bout of violence in them. Similarly, very sad and melancholic songs could be of help in controlling the grief or loss. Some music therapists are of the view that such co-coordinating music could, over a short time, be profitably replaced with those musical pieces which reflect the desired behaviour pattern (such as self-confidence, joyful disposition etc.). For instance, anger could be contained by starting with angry forms of music which is changed gradually into a relaxing peaceful music. Similarly, sadness or a depression which is initially addressed by sad or absurd musical pieces is eventually transformed into joyful tunes and beta music which impart confidence and sunshine. 

Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM)

A popular music-assisted method in the West is the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music. Described as “inspired in conception, holistic in attitude, integrative intent, synergistic in nature, holotropic in reality, and transformational in potential, this method is reported to help the patients/clients in exploring consciousness through sound, images, and alternative states. 

Conceived and developed by Helen L. Bonny, it is a combination of Bonny’s understanding of classical music with relaxation techniques aimed at eliciting responses from patients. The method uses specially sequenced classical music within a one-to-one session conducted by a facilitator. After an initial discussion with an individual, the facilitator provides relaxation and focusing suggestions to assist the individual’s entry into a relaxed state. This is followed by an interactive music listening experience in which the individual listens to the music and describes the images, sensations, feelings, and awareness evoked by it. The facilitator, also listening to the music, helps to focus and support the image experiences of the individual in a variety of ways. At the close of the music, the facilitator assists the individual’s return from the expanded state of consciousness and helps the individual integrate the experiences of the session.

This article was published in AYURVEDA AND ALL – December 2009, Pages 29, 30

Edited by Geeta Shreedar, August 3, 2021

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