What They Don’t Teach in B-Schools

The human brain consists of two hemispheres, concerned basically with one’s emotions and analysis. If emotions overtake analysis, the person becomes a fool.  If analysis predominates emotions, then he becomes a ‘heartless’ robot infesting the earth!

The value systems of contemporary civilisation, unlike the ancient-ones, give credence more to reason-based analysis, ignoring the intuitive and creative nature of emotions at one go.

Right from childhood urban Indian children are made to read ‘standard’ text books, which talk about science-and mathematics. Even those which are based on fine arts such as painting or music are viewed and discussed from the reason’s angle, rather than-from its emotional and subjective interpretations.

The classical systems of music in India and the West have given enough fodder to dissect and discuss threadbare science in music rather than the emotional and therapeutic impact on the millions who suffer day in and out across the continents for no fault of theirs. To add fuel to fire, we have this mantra of three letter word, MBA which has come to be fashion among the youth: as it serves as a passport for an animalistic world of business: the business centring around the profit margin, in which there is no consideration for human values but every consideration for robotic vigour and its being beefed up. 

Money is the only hardcore hallmark for success of an MBA and his other business.

An MBA’s worth is measured in terms of the remuneration and perks rather than his attitude to life: upbringing, manners, amity, amicability, and compassion. In this rat race and bandicoot sports, the quality of humane considerations is passed; as those archaic and outlandish authors had led their own death leaving behind fossilised religious texts fit for an air-conditioned archaeological museum. 

All individuals need to-be economically independent, free from social evils. But such a transition has to come by making a backbone of love; compassion and attitude which are borne-out of the emotional side of the human brains: the-right side of the brain should not be left to remain as a vestige.

It is high time we activate these much ignored aspects of life in our school and college curricula to save the future of the mankind from the condemnable hazards of hungry technologies as revealed in Bhopal and Chernobyl and the equally condemnable human anger and violence perpetrated against, the public in the world, be it London’s-underground or Bombay’s underground or New York’s air space.

Adopt music as a measure to realign to nature’s laws and to correct the balance of the left and right functioning of the brain. Music doesn’t cost much.

Let’s preserve the cultures of Nada Yoga and Raga Chikitsa which have been seeped in our ancient therapeutic traditions. Let the Business Administrators (MBAs) change their attitudes to bring out the human face in their dealings through-the neo-MBA, Music-based Business Administration.

When money gets replaced by music, we can be sure of avoiding a future Lebanon.

This article was published in Bhavan’s Journal – September 15, 2006, Pages 43, 44

Edited by Geeta Shreedar, May 13, 2021

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